Monday, January 11, 2021

Save the Date! MSA-US Atlantic Salmon Celebration 2021

 Save the Date! Feb. 20th at 7:00PM. The Miramichi Salmon Association's U.S. counterpart has put together an evening of salmon fishing entertainment that we are calling the MSA-US Salmon Celebration 2021.
We have a great Zoom livestream performance put together that will please any Atlantic salmon enthusiast. There will be lots of photos and videos of Miramichi salmon fishing that will feature some of the sport's best known personalities from today as well as the past. These include Lee and Joan Wulff, Ted Williams, Charlie DeFeo, as well as modern day fishers April Vokey, Deirdre Green, Bryant Freeman and Topher Browne. We have a fascinating illustrated history of the Miramichi salmon fishery by Morris Green from the Salmon Museum, and histories of the storied Black Brook Salmon Club and Doctor's Island. A special look at more than 50 flies tied by Charles DeFeo will also be featured. There's a lot more than this too.
The price for all this fun is $0. That isn't to say that the MSA wouldn't like a donation. The new president of the MSA, Dr. Robyn McCallum will also introduce herself, and I assure you we'd be happy to have your donation - but it isn't required to view the celebration. We want everyone to be able to see it. Donations of $50 or more will each get one chance in a drawing for a wonderful, Luther Hall, original painting. Goose Island Salmon. I almost can register right now at this link
So set the evening aside, open a couple of your favorite beverages, maybe order-in, and get set for a great evening of Atlantic salmon entertainment.