Monday, October 24, 2011

It's All in the Hat!

Several weeks ago I fished for landlocked salmon in northern New York State with my friend John, who hails from Montreal.  As I noted in an earlier thread, we had a great day.  I gave him one of my hats (the logo is based on my Celtic Beauty):

Well, the hat is still working!  He landed 3 fish just the other day, including a 6 pounder, and gives credit to the hat.  Here's a pic he sent me, taken by another fellow SpeyPages forum user:

AND, I caught my largest atlantic salmon to date wearing one last month, so they gotta have what it takes!

Oh, wait, that's right, Linda got her top fish of the week wearing one, too!

Oh, yeah, it also works in tan!

Don't you wish you had one, too?  LOL


  1. If I were you i'd be keeping that secret under my hat, (see what I did there???!!!!. That way more big fish for you....

    But seriously, nice fish

  2. Hi Gary, I gotta get me one of those hats! Seriously, beautiful fish! I keep looking at that river and I really have to get up there in 2012 -- it just sort of becons "come fish me."

    Best wishes, Ken Craigue
