It was a long winter...which made it a good one for tying flies. I thought I'd share some photos of my winter's efforts, for myself, friends and customers. Hopefully, one picture truly is worth a thousand words.
Don't forget to click on the pic for the big picture
I was really pleased to see the Celtic Beauty make it on the Miramichi Salmon Association's 2014 Calendar!
I was also very pleased to be able to put this box together as a way of saying thanks to a dear friend to whom we here at Southshire Drive owe a huge debt of gratitude:
In the midst of tying for others, I did manage to get my own batch of spey-style flies ready for the summer ahead:
Even got most of the wet fly box ready, too!
So that's it! Here's hoping we all have a satisfying, enjoyabel...and fishing season this year! I bet we all deserve that. Bon Chance!